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Also even in black, the dog (Shepard and pit bull) and cat fur and comes off easily wiping it with wet paper towel I love my jacket keeps me warm, fits perfect Parajumpers Winter Jacket 0 out of 5 stars Amazing fit, wonderful product, exactly as expected!, November 26, 2013 La Belle Aurore (Globe trotting) - See all my reviews Verified Purchase(What's this?) parajumpers Women's Kensington Parka (Apparel) I knew I could not go wrong with a true parajumpers parka Parajumpers Kodiak Woman 0 out of 5 stars Disgusting!, March 18, 2014 SuSell - See all my reviews parajumpers Women's Kensington Parka (Apparel) Have you seen the undercover videos how animals were ripped from their skin alive to later be put on a sweater like this one, this is not fashion this is Inhumane Cruelty, unnecessary Cruelty