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I have to say that I am truly disappointed and can not see how this coat is 625 fill On a side note, put the hood up and the warmth of this jacket climbs several notches
0 out of 5 stars Very good, down jacket, I like it very much, December 11, 2013 cucbm-robin - See all my reviews Verified Purchase(What's this?) parajumpers Women's Kensington Parka (Apparel) Very good down jacket, do manual work is very fine, size is more appropriate, I like it very very much Great jacket Parajumpers Stores Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Yes No | 0 of 1 p 5 Parajumpers Kodiak Men The medium was the wrong choice

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  • Parajumpers Kodiak Men0 out of 5 stars Wow, January 10, 2014 Peggy "unir12" - See all my reviews Verified Purchase(What's this?) parajumpers Women's Kensington Parka (Apparel) My husband has 3 jackets Canada0 out of 5 stars very good, February 8, 2014 hanhan - See all my reviews Verified Purchase(What's this?) parajumpers Women's Kensington Parka (Sports) This dress color is very positive, the material is very good, wear light, very warm and I like very much, everyone in the family said Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Yes No | 5 Parajumpers Stores , November 23, 2013 KJ - See all my reviews parajumpers Women's Kensington Parka (Apparel) I suspect I might have a warmer experience in a similarly rated TNF parka I was considering for $300 less that zips all the way to the bottom where the jacket hits at the knees, but I like how I look in the CG Kensington way better It is fine for approx -2 C or a bit colder if your walk will allow you to duck into shops to get warm, but for my 1/2 mile walk to work in the suburbs, I cant make it in this coat if it is actually cold out (below about -2 C and or windy)
  • Parajumpers Usa The result: thighs & a butt that seem to always be cold because they are unable to adjust to either a Parajumpers Stores My only complaint is that parajumpers does not make it available without fur
  • Parajumpers Sale Jacket, January 8, 2014 Stefania - See all my reviews parajumpers Women's Kensington Parka (Apparel) I bought the parajumpers and received it today Parajumpers Stores but it's a fantastic all around cold weather jacket Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Yes No | 1 of 1 p 4 Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Yes No | 3 of 3 p 5
  • Parajumpers Men Sale Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Yes No | 5 Parajumpers Stores If you are a heavier person I would suggest to order a size up as the jacket is made to clinch at the waist and may not be the most flattering This is not a way of living this is inhumane cruelty and buying fur is agreeing to all that comes with it
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