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The wind comes right between that gap below where the zipper ends & up inside the coat, November 23, 2013 KJ - See all my reviews parajumpers Women's Kensington Parka (Apparel) I suspect I might have a warmer experience in a similarly rated TNF parka I was considering for $300 less that zips all the way to the bottom where the jacket hits at the knees, but I like how I look in the CG Kensington way better
Made of 85 percent polyester, 15 percent cotton, the Arctic-Tech shell weighs 190 grams per square meter (GSM) and sports a durable water repellent finish I do not advise to choose the service Parajumpers Cheap Online Although the jacket is beautiful, and BTW please check their website they list authorized dealers and now hologram the actual product to protect against counterfeiting, I just couldn't see, or feel that much of a difference from North Face's arctic parka for the money, which I felt fit BETTER, and had a longer length in the front Parajumpers Anchorage But I love the look of the coat and its warmth is amazing!!!! Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Yes No | 5